My Dedication to Detroit Public Schools

Last week I listened to a radio broadcast on WEXL1340am where I heard a gentleman by the name of Dr.John Telford briefly describe a situation with the Detroit Public Schools and the assignment of the emergency manager. (Dr. Telford used to coach track at Pershing back in the 60’s and has run for mayor of Detroit. He also has written a book entitled, A Life on the Run The life and times of Detroit educator and activist) We shook hands and he broke it down to me so basically, the people of Detroit are paying taxes to support elected officials whose jobs are designated to administrate and appropriate funds throughout the Detroit Public School system and since the state has taken over administration of the Detroit Public School System, the elected officials are out of work and the tax payers are paying taxes for elected officials who have no representation the trouble comes in where, the state is NOT giving the Schools in Detroit the same funding as the public schools in the rural areas. My opinion over this issue comes from a simple mind since the tax payers are paying taxes to the state to support the schools and the state isnt allowing the Detroit Public Schools the same funding as the rural and suburban schools, that means that the people of Detroit have to rally and support our students the BEST way that they can by supporting or starting their own corporations like The Urban Junior Apostle League. We will utilize the tax payers dollars to maintain our vision statement by hiring specially trained individuals to go and to assist our students in the classrooms and hallways while they learn to become functional members of society and key enlightened individual thinkers who are innovative, noteworthy and full of God’s anointing. This is a very simple solution to what some would term Jim Crow type antics being directed at our children that some parents who volunteer at the schools have determined are lost souls even detected at this early stage in the school year, so as I will be attending more DPS meetings I will make my presence known by my availability to assist our teachers and our students with this divine body of work The Urban Junior Apostle League.

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