The END of The World is Today

All of the time that you have left to make the best choices in life are indeterminate. As you align with the Cosmic Vanguard and exemplary status of YHWH, one may enrich themselves by fellowship with others who share the same spirit. This organization is designed to exalt the presence of YHWH and dominate the governments of Man.

If you are a new follower of these encrypted logs, ii will remind you of the existence and reality of the Holy Spirit of YHWH that is sent by God to make man PERFECT in mind, soul, and body. We are here to free you from the Matrix. THE U.J.A.L. presents the BEST option for one to obtain the discipline, and principle required to prosper one and benefit the future generations with a fully developed family goals system. The sky is limit as we work together to guide you through the midst into the light. Our prophets and Teachers are light workers who heal and deliver those lost factions of society.

The U.J.A.L. represents the SUPERNATURAL affinity of a SOVEREIGN DEITY named YHWH. We bieve that YHWH may be heard, listened to and obeyed. YHWH uses all government procedures to deliver His children from bondage and a life of servitude. The U.J.A.L. releases you from debt and dependence upon the ECONOMY, our family is fully provided for by that which we seek from YHWH. Your membership and support of this organization entails a fruitful and abundant return for you and your future generations. Time is finished, YHWH is upon the Earth and His Son’s are quite visually upholding the Divine CODE of Ethics that has shifted society in the form of plagues, natural disasters and financial meltdowns. Women and Children are the MOST VULNERABLE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY and are most impaired by the temptations of carnality. The U.J.A.L. is the sanctuary for those who seek refuge and want to leave society for a life that serves our BEST INTERESTS.

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