YHWH vs The Children of Satan

Woe is me, so ii declare woe unto you! You wicked evil monster, you spoiled rotten fruit!

You sick child of Satan, your weak infantile mind, and just for this cause, Yahuah has made you blind! Blind to His Word and blind to His name, for YOU have rejected he who comes to sustain.

You have caused so much pain, your lips are a bane, your tongue so perverse, your mouth is ashamed. This is the result of a tainted bloodline, abominable upon the Earth and reprobate by design, so whatever peace that you seek, you will just never find unless you repent and return what is mine.

The Children of YHWH belong to their Father and the children of Satan have confounded this order! So as we pray for the destruction of evil and greed, we also pray for the children who were stolen from Me. They are surrounded on all sides by carnal and worldly swine, ii pray that they be not weak in their minds.

So, woe unto you who refuse to flee evil, who are stuck in the system, who have chosen to be wicked. May your days be cut short, may your breath be cut off, until you acknowledge your wicked evil thoughts.

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